Thursday, February 25, 2010

This is NOT a happy pup

More drama for our dear Lucy Lou. She got some dental work done recently (standard/routine teeth cleaning), and apparently when dogs get their teeth cleaned they also get put under anesthesia. She did great, has perfect pearly whites, and responded well to the anesthesia. The problem? She's a licker. As in, as soon as she got home she tore the bandage off of the small shaved portion of her leg where they'd put the IV and started licking her leg--we're guessing because it itched. She promptly developed a little skin infection, which she still couldn't stop licking no matter what we did. After trying various bandages, topical antibiotics, etc., we had to take her back into the vet. She's now on systemic antibiotics along with a prescription bland diet and probiotics to prevent the usual tummy issues that come along with antibiotics for her. And, as is evident from the photos, she got a lovely e-collar.

It's one of those things that's just really sad to watch. It took her a full couple of days to be comfortable enough to actually walk around. Getting her to go to the bathroom outside with the collar (because it makes it harder to sniff the ground) was immensely difficult, and we just generally feel bad for her. After all, with that face, wouldn't you?

Here's hoping a.)she gets it off very soon (she has a vet checkup on Monday), and b.) she gets it off before the kid comes (I can't imagine her having to deal with boarding in a small kennel with that collar).

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