Friday, August 20, 2010


So, did anyone else know that when a kid is recovering from a virus they might break out in hives? If the answer was yes then I'd have to say that this information would have been helpful a day or two ago. If the answer is no, I'd have to say ME EITHER...

In case you hadn't guessed, the man developed some yucky hives yesterday and freaked his parents out good. He was totally fine, then all of a sudden it was like 'huh? What's that weird bite-looking thing on his face?' Then, 'ohmygod, it's on his tummy and even bigger.' I called my mom to see if she knew, but since they weren't bothering him we left them alone and mysteriously the rashy-looking thing cleared up right quick. Then this morning was back with a much so that we called his doc's office and found out that it's common for babies to have some hives appear right after getting over a virus. They also said that apparently when they're really little, they don't always itch (hence Oscar seeming totally oblivious).

Either way, they'll come and go over the next day or so and we'll just keep an eye on it. In the meantime, we got out apartment!! I'm in Indy now and will post more info and pictures (of much more fun things than hives) before the weekend is out.

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