Thursday, October 14, 2010

7 months...a week late

Wow, this week got away from me. Can you believe it...Oscar man is 7 MONTHS!! Some cool stuff he's been up to recently:
- Eating like a champ (as you probably saw in the video), and he's added apples and carrots to his repertoire recently.
- He's really, really trying to move. He's making valiant attempts to pull up on anything and everything--but not quite succeeding all the time--and flopping around on the floor like he wants to crawl. Unfortunately for him, his adorable fat little thighs aren't really getting under him very well...the curse of short legs that many in my family are familiar with.
- He's got one little tooth rapidly shooting up, and the 2nd is almost through the surface.

Sadly, a milestone we're not psyched about is that he may be on his way to catching the strep throat that Joey's battling. We're on the lookout for fever :(

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